Q-KULT Instrument

One of the core goals of the project Q-KULT was the development of a diagnostic instrument for the identification of quality culture of vocational schools.

Here you can download the developed Q-KULT Tool as Excel document: Q-KULT Tool.


Q-KULT Guides

Please choose suitable language version and before starting to use the instrument, please get acquainted with the Guide for Q-KULT Online tool: 

> DE - Q-KULT Handreichung: Analyse der schulischen Qualitätskultur mit dem Q-KULT Instrument

> EN - Q-KULT Guide: Using the Q-KULT Instrument to Analyse the Quality Culture in School 

> DK - Q-KULT vejledning: Analyse af kvalitetskulturen i skoler vha. Q-KULT-instrumentet

> NL - Q-KULT handreiking: Analyse van kwaliteitscultuur op school met het Q-KULT-instrument


Work in progress/Products

Here you can find all the completed products.

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About the Partners

Six partner institutions from five countries - about the partners and their achievements during the project.

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Project Q-KULT has been successfully closed. Here you find more information about the events during the project.

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